Provisional Translation
Press Conference by ASO Taro, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance, and Minister of State for Financial Services
(Wednesday, December 18, 2019, 6:19 pm to 6:23 pm)
[Questions and answers:]
- Q.
My question relates to Japan Post Insurance. Today, the Special Investigation Committee reported that they suspect over 12,000 problematic insurance sales, which is higher than the number in the interim report. The causes of the problem were identified as an organizational culture in which the opinions of the workers did not reach the management ranks, as well as governance problems at the holding company of Japan Post Holdings. What do you think of the management ranks accepting responsibility by stepping down from their positions, in particular President NAGATO Masatsugu?
- A.
I am aware that the results of the probe have been released today, and there was a press conference at the Japan Post Group with the three presidents. Basically, the most important issue is how they will respond to the customers who were disadvantaged by these violations. In addition, there will be various questions regarding their compliance system and governance, and those will be investigated going forward. The issue will call for careful monitoring.
- Q.
In related news, Japan Post Insurance has announced the company’s intent to restart business in stages in January. What are your thoughts on the appropriateness of this?
- A.
It is as I’ve just said. How they will respond to the customers who were disadvantaged? Have they provided an answer to that yet?
- Q.
No, they have not released that information yet.
- A.
That is the answer to your question. They should explain that first before they do anything else.
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