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March 13, 2020
Financial Services Agency

Joint Survey on the Use of LIBOR
(JFSA and Bank of Japan)

The JFSA, together with the Bank of Japan, is conducting a joint survey of financial institutions, including
banks, securities companies and insurance companies, about their quantitative LIBOR exposures and their
qualitative LIBOR transition progress. The aim of this survey is to allow supervisory authorities to identify
financial institutionsʼ quantification of LIBOR exposure and the number of contracts referencing LIBOR as
well as financial institutionsʼ progress toward transitioning away from LIBOR to alternative reference rates
and their internal preparedness for this transition. We expect this publication will further promote the
transition measures taken by each financial institution in a timely and smoothly manner.
This survey is planned to be conducted regularly to follow up the progress and status of LIBOR transition.


Contact Details

Banking Business Division Ⅰ , Supervision Bureau , Financial Services Agency

Tel: +81-(0)3-3506-6000

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