Provisional Translation
Press Conference by ASO Taro, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance, and Minister of State for Financial Services
(Tuesday, March 16, 2021, 9:38 am to 9:46 am)
[Questions and answers:]
- Q.
Mizuho Bank has suffered four system failures within a short period. With problems occurring even as the Financial Services Agency is asking that measures be taken to prevent recurrences, could you please let us hear your views on this matter and what steps the FSA will be taking in future?
- A.
The fact that these incidents occurred multiple times, four times in a matter of only two weeks, when a single incident over a period of several years would not be good, and the fact that these incidents all differ in nature are having quite an impact, and the extremely serious loss of trust and credibility is very regrettable. The Financial Services Agency must ensure that the bank responds promptly and properly to customers, and that it is at the same time investigating the true natures and facts of these incidents, especially because they all differ. In that sense, I think it important that efforts be aimed at preventing recurrences, and we must have the bank intensively follow up on these incidents.
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