July 15, 2022
September 29, 2022 update
Financial Services Agency

Publication of "Supervisory Guidance on Climate-related Risk Management and Client Engagement"

In response to the recommendations prescribed in a report published by the Expert Panel on Sustainable Finance(EPSF) in June 2021, the FSA published the finalized "Supervisory Guidance on Climate-related Risk Management and Client Engagement".
*On July 2022, the EPSF published its second Report "Financial systems that open up a new sustainable society" 

This guidance documents viewpoints of supervisory dialogues regarding financial institutions’ climate-related risk management and financial institutions’ engagement with their clients to support the clients’ responses to climate-related opportunities and risks, including possible approaches and case examples of client engagement.

This guidance is non-binding and serves as a baseline for supervisory dialogues between the FSA and financial institutions to promote better practices at financial institutions.

PDF【Supervisory Guidance on Climate-related Risk Management and Client Engagement (English summary)】(PDF:789 KB)
PDF【Supervisory Guidance on Climate-related Risk Management and Client Engagement 】(PDF:1443KB)
PDF【Supervisory Guidance on Climate-related Risk Management and Client Engagement (Japanese) 】(PDF:1784 KB)


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