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Provisional Translation

Press Conference by SUZUKI Shunichi, Minister of Finance and Minister of State for Financial Services


(Friday, October 6, 2023, 11:32 am to 11:49 pm)


Today, Japan Weeks comes to an end, during which period more than twenty events were held. Prime Minister Kishida took the rostrum five times and made an announcement for a new policy to promote Japan as a leading aseet management center. Would you please let us know your summary of Japan Weeks?


During Japan Weeks, various events were held, some of which the Prime Minister attended. This morning, an event was also held for investors hosted by BlackRock, Inc., which I attended and gave a speech. A round-table meeting will be also held in the evening at the Prime Minister’s Office to exchange views with major investors, including those from abroad.
As for the sum-up of Japan Weeks, I think it provided a great opportunity for us to gather various opinions that should be considered for establishing Japan as a leading asset management center.
For my part, I have just set up a sub-council for establishing Japan as a leading asset management center under the Council of New Form of Capitalism Realization. At its meeting, I again stated that a virtuous cycle of growth and distribution can be realized through reforming the asset management industry and the ownership of assets as well as promoting new entrants into the industry and encouraging competition.
In any event, we will carefully take note of the opinions received at various events during this Japan Weeks and have the government draw up a solid plan towards establishing Japan as a leading asset management center.

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