Provisional Translation
Press Conference by SUZUKI Shunichi, Minister of Finance and Minister of State for Financial Services
(Tuesday, October 24, 2023, 10:01 am to 10:11 am)
- Q.
I assume that you are proceeding with inspections of BIGMOTOR and Sompo Japan. Will decisions on the details of punishment, etc. be made within this year or next year? Could you give us your current opinion?
- A.
We do not expect such decisions to be delayed or intend to delay them unnecessarily, but necessary inspections and other sorts of work must be conducted thoroughly. I believe that they must not be left half-finished.
We plan to make decisions after these inspections are completed, and therefore, I think that I cannot definitely say now as to when such decisions will be made. - Q.
As far as you have been briefed, is it taking more time than expected because more and more points have to be inspected? Have you received any report or outcome?
- A.
I have not heard anything in particular about that. At any rate, I want inspections to be conducted exhaustively. I believe that exhaustive inspections will lead to the protection of customers and preventing recurrence of similar incidents in the future.
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