Financial Services AgencyFSA Weekly Review No.461

October 21, 2021

What’s New on the FSA Website

Week of October 8, 2021 - October 14, 2021

This page contains the latest in events, developments, and updates to the FSA website.

Press Conferences

October 14, 2021 Press Conference by the Minister of State for Financial Services (September 24, 2021) 
October 14, 2021 Press Conference by the Minister of State for Financial Services (September 10, 2021) 
October 14, 2021 Press Conference by the Minister of State for Financial Services (September 3, 2021) 

Public Comments

October 11, 2021 Publication of the draft "Order for Enforcement of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act" and the draft "Cabinet Office Order to Amend the Cabinet Office Order on Financial Instruments Business"
The FSA proposed the draft "Order for Enforcement of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act" and the draft "Cabinet Office Order to Amend the Cabinet Office Order on Financial Instruments Business."
In response to the recommendation stated in the second report by the "Working Group on Capital Market Regulations" (provisional English title) of the Financial System Council published in June 2021 to review the specifics of equity investment-type crowdfunding and private placement to a small number of investors, the proposal mainly intends to provide amendments to the following:
  1. Calculation method of the total amount of issuance (less than JPY 100 million) for equity investment-type crowdfunding
  2. Upper limit of investment amount (JPY 500,000) for investors in equity investment-type crowdfunding
  3. Method for calculating the number of investors in a private placement to a small number of investors

(This  public comment is available in Japanese) open new window

Press Releases


October 8, 2021 Summary from "The JFSA Strategic Priorities July 2021-June 2022"


October 13, 2021 Publication of the agenda and handouts of the first meeting of the "Working Group on Payment Services" (provisional English title) of the Financial System Council
The FSA published the agenda and handouts of the first meeting of the "Working Group on Payment Services" (provisional English title) of the Financial System Council, which was held on October 13, 2021.

(This press release is available in Japanese) new window
October 8, 11, 2021 Publication of the outline of proceedings of the first meeting as well as the agenda and handouts of the second meeting of the "Advisory Council on the Systems of Accounting and Auditing" (FY 2021)
On the respective dates of October 8 and 11, 2021, the FSA published the outline of proceedings of the first meeting of the "Advisory Council on the Systems of Accounting and Auditing" (FY 2021), and the agenda and handouts of the second meeting of the said Advisory Council, which were held on September 15 and October 11, 2021, respectively. The Advisory Council is aimed at comprehensively discussing various issues pertaining to accounting and auditing.

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October 8, 2021 Administrative penalty charge against an individual (retail investor) for stabilization (an act of market manipulation) regarding stocks of Saikaya Department Store Co., Ltd.
The FSA issued an order to impose an administrative penalty charge against an  individual (retail investor) for stabilization (an act of market manipulation) regarding stocks of Saikaya Department Store Co., Ltd.

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October 8, 2021 Administrative penalty charge against an individual (retail investor) for market manipulation regarding stocks of IZUMI CO., LTD. and six other stocks
The FSA issued orders to impose an administrative penalty charge against an individual (retail investor) for market manipulation regarding stocks of IZUMI CO., LTD. and six other stocks.

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October 12, 2021 Publication of the agenda of the seventh meeting of the "Study Group on Impact Investment"
The FSA published the agenda of the seventh meeting of the "Study Group on Impact Investment," which was held on September 3, 2021, co-hosted by the FSA and the National Advisory Board of the Global Steering Group for Impact Investment (GSG-NAB Japan). The Study Group meets regularly (on a bimonthly basis) to deepen the understanding of "impact investment" among capital market participants and government authorities. Handouts of the seventh meeting are available on the webpage of GSG-NAB Japan新しいウィンドウで開きます.

(This press release is available in Japanese) new window
October 11, 2021 Stewardship Code : 316 institutional investors have signed up to the Principles for Responsible Institutional Investors as of July 31, 2021
October 8, 2021 Warnings about entities that are operating money lending businesses without proper registration
The FSA (Local Finance Bureaus) updated warnings about entities that are operating money lending businesses without proper registration. The warnings include the updated list of entities that misrepresent their registration using fictitious or stolen registration numbers.

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October 8, 2021 Publication of "Statistics of NISA and Junior NISA Accounts" as of June 30, 2021  
The FSA has published "Statistics of NISA and Junior NISA Accounts." As of June 30, 2021, there were approximately 16.5 million NISA accounts in total, and approximately 24.0 trillion yen (approximately 214.3 billion USD) was invested through the NISA accounts, among which,1.1 trillion yen (approximately 9.5 billion USD) was invested through approximately 4.2 million accounts of the Tsumitate NISA (Dollar-Cost Averaging NISA) which has started since January 2018.

(This press release is available in Japanese) new window

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