Financial Services AgencyFSA Weekly Review No.491

June 2, 2022

What’s New on the FSA Website

Week of May 20, 2022 - May 26, 2022

This page contains the latest in events, developments, and updates to the FSA website.

Press Releases


May 24, 2022 Publication of the agenda and handouts of the fifth meeting of the "Working Group on Social Bonds"
The FSA published the agenda and handouts of the fifth meeting of the "Working Group on Social Bonds" which was held on May 23, 2022.
The secretariat (i.e. the FSA) of the working group gave a briefing on a draft report entitled "Examples of Indicators for Social Benefits of Social Projects" (provisional English title). The working group discussed and approved of the draft report.

The original press release is available in Japanese at the following URL. new window
May 23, 2022 Publication of the agenda and handouts of the sixth meeting of the "Technical Committee for ESG Rating and Data Providers, etc."
The FSA published the agenda and handouts of the sixth meeting of the "Technical Committee for ESG Rating and Data Providers, etc.,"* which was held on May 19, 2022.
The committee members discussed the specifics about the compilation of a draft report based on previous discussions.

* This Technical Committee has been established under the "Expert Panel on Sustainable Finance" to aggregate a wide range of information on green bonds, etc., as well as ESG (Environmental Social and Governance) rating and data providers. The Committee is composed of practitioners, market participants, and academics who are involved in ESG assessment and data provision, along with observers of officials from pertinent ministries and agencies. The FSA (Strategy Development Division, Strategy Development and Management Bureau) serves as the secretariat.

The original press release is available in Japanese at the following URL. new window
May 20, 2022 Study Group on Digital and Decentralized Finance Interim Report
May 20, 2022 Stewardship Code : 324 institutional investors have signed up to the Principles for Responsible Institutional Investors as of April 30, 2022 
May 20, 2022 Publication of the agenda and handouts of the ninth meeting of the "Working Group on Corporate Disclosure" (FY 2021) of the Financial System Council
The FSA published the agenda and handouts of the ninth meeting of the "Working Group on Corporate Disclosure" (FY 2021) of the Financial System Council, which was held on May 23, 2022. The working group secretariat (i.e. the FSA) gave a briefing on the draft "Report of the Working Group on Corporate Disclosure (FY 2021) of the Financial System Council" (provisional English title), followed by a discussion.

The original press release is available in Japanese at the following URL. new window



May 24, 2022 Outline of the "Report on the Measures for the Resolution of Failed Financial Institutions" delivered by the Minister of State for Financial Services, SUZUKI Shunichi, in the Committee on Financial Affairs of the House of Councillors
The Minister of State for Financial Services, SUZUKI Shunichi, delivered an outline of the "Report on the Measures for the Resolution of Failed Financial Institutions" in the Committee on Financial Affairs of the House of Councillors. The report, addressing the semiannual period extending from October 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021, had been submitted to the Diet on June 18, 2021, pursuant to the "Act on Emergency Measures for the Revitalization of the Financial Functions."

The original press release is available in Japanese at the following URL. new window
May 20, 2022 Overview of modifications to lending conditions by cooperative financial institutions
The FSA published an overview of modifications to lending conditions made by cooperative financial institutions for the period from March 10, 2020 to March 31, 2022.

The original press release is available in Japanese at the following URL. new window



May 20, 2022 Deliverables pertaining to "Participation in International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) International Conferences and Dissemination of Opinions, etc." (for FY2021)
The FSA entrusted the Financial Accounting Standards Foundation (FASF) to participate in international accounting conferences to swiftly and accurately grasp the trends of discussions on the formulation and revision of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) at the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), and to conduct administrative affairs in terms of gathering opinions from relevant parties in Japan who are well-versed in IFRS, thereby publicizing Japan's stance/perspectives on the subject. The deliverablesopen new window from the FASF are available only in Japanese.

The original press release is available in Japanese at the following URL. new window
May 20, 2022 Deliverables pertaining to "Survey and Analysis of Discussions Held and Discussion Materials Presented at the International Accounting Standards Board" (for FY2021)
The FSA entrusted the Financial Accounting Standards Foundation (FASF) to conduct administrative affairs pertaining to the research and analysis of discussions held at the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) as well as of the relevant materials presented therein, in order to swiftly and accurately grasp trends in the discussions on the formulation and revision of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) at the IASB and to effectively publicize Japan's stance/perspectives on IFRS. The deliverablesopen new window from the FASF are available only in Japanese.

The original press release is available in Japanese at the following URL. new window
May 20, 2022 Survey on the situation of corporate pension funds in Japan
The FSA commissioned Boston Consulting Group to conduct a survey on the situation of corporate pension funds in Japan.
The original press release is available in Japanese at the following URL. new window
May 20, 2022 New series of articles contributed to "Bank Business" (a monthly magazine published by Kindai-Sales Co., Ltd.) in regard to financial and economic education (financial literacy) [release of the third installment]
The FSA has been contributing to a new series of articles in "Bank Business" (a monthly magazine published by Kindai-Sales Co., Ltd.) since March 2022, mainly in regard to financial and economic education (financial literacy). The contents of the series are also publicized on the FSA's web portal新しいウィンドウで開きます* to provide a greater number of people with information about financial literacy and financial and economic education initiatives.

*PDFThe third installment in the series is available (only in Japanese) on the FSA's web portal. The theme of the third installment is "basics and key points of life-planning to keep in mind for providing the relevant information to young people."

The original press release is available in Japanese at the following URL. new window

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