Financial Services AgencyFSA Weekly Review No.547

July 27, 2023

What’s New on the FSA Website

Week of July 14, 2023 - July 20, 2023

This page contains the latest in events, developments, and updates to the FSA website.

Press Releases

July 18, 2023
July 14, 2023
Request for financial measures to deal with disasters caused by the heavy rain from July 7, 2023 (The Hokuriku Local Finance Bureau and the Tohoku Local Finance Bureau)
The following Local Finance Bureaus alongside the competent Branches of the Bank of Japan issued statements titled "Financial Measures to Deal with Disasters Caused by the Heavy Rain from July 7, 2023" to the relevant financial institutions:
- The Hokuriku Local Finance Bureau alongside the Kanazawa Branch of the Bank of Japan ( PDFStatement issued as of July 14, 2023)open new window
- The Tohoku Local Finance Branch Bureau alongside the Akita Branch of the Bank of Japan (Statement issued as of July 18, 2023) open new window
- The Tohoku Local Finance Branch Bureau alongside the Aomori Branch of the Bank of Japan (Statement issued as of July 18, 2023) open new window
The said statements (available only in Japanese) request financial institutions in Toyama, Akita, and Aomori prefectures* to appropriately deal with victims of the disaster considering their circumstances, such as by making the repayment of deposits flexible. 
* Matters related to financial measures in Toyama prefecture fall within the purview of the Hokuriku Local Finance Bureau, and those in Akita and Aomori prefectures fall within the purview of the Tohoku Local Finance Bureau. 
Disaster-affected areas in the said prefectures are currently subject to the "Disaster Relief Act." If more areas in the prefecture become subject to the said Act, financial institutions in the prefecture will be requested to take measures in the same manner as above accordingly.

The original press release is available in Japanese at the following URL: new window

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