Even for people who have lost their bank deposit book or hanko, if the depositors present documents that make it possible to identify them, the depositors will get access to their deposits at their financial institutions.
Even if one has lost documents which make it possible to identify them, the financial institutions are striving to provide flexible responses: asking the person's name, address, and other personal information, confirming that these match registered details, then providing access to deposits, etc.
If family members of deceased or missing immediate relatives provide vital documents, family members can get access to deposits.
The Japanese Bankers Association provides information on deposits of deceased or missing people on request of their families.
Even if one has been displaced, one can still get access to deposits at financial institutions other than your own.
For details, ask your financial institution, or a financial institution near your current location.
It is very important to support disaster victims through disaster donations from many people. It is also important that victims working to rebuild their lives can open smoothly bank accounts. Therefore, necessary actions are being taken for personal identification procedures. Also, we should be aware of potential fraud regarding donations.
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